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Pupils at Holmesdale Community Infant School benefit greatly from the wide range of activities on offer – many with the generous support and assistance of parents and others who volunteer their time to help. We value this help highly, and will welcome future offers so that we can continue to provide the best possible education for our pupils.

It is our duty to ensure that volunteers are safe and cared for while engaged in voluntary work for the school. It is also our duty to ensure that pupils’ welfare is promoted and that they are safeguarded from harm, so we have to ensure that all adults working in the schools are suitable people. Depending on the nature and frequency of your help, and the level of contact you have with pupils, we will need your permission for a Disclosure and Barring Service check.

We will also ask you to sign a copy of the school’s Information for Parents and Code of Safe Conduct, which provides guidance on appropriate behaviour while working in or on behalf of the school. Adherence to the code ensures that children and adults are properly protected – especially against the possibility of allegations being made against them.