‘To nurture talent and achievement in everyone and build the foundations for success in the 21st Century'
Computing at Holmesdale
At Holmesdale we recognise that our children come in to school already equipped with significant skills for using technology in the classroom. We therefore feel it is our role to not only support and develop these skills but also to equip our children with the knowledge and understanding of how to use technology safely.
We want all of our children to become responsible and resilient users of technology by the time they leave us, whilst also ensuring that they have fun and are able to enjoy a broad computing curriculum.
At Holmesdale we follow the National Curriculum for Computing and we deliver this through four strands: Computer Science, Using Technology Purposefully, Internet skills and E-safety. These areas are taught through fun and interactive sessions, through which children will develop the knowledge and skills which they can then utilise across other areas of the curriculum.
Our children will also have the opportunity to access computing not only through whole class inputs but also as part of the continuous provision throughout the school.
The Computing curriculum is designed so that children can build upon the skills they have learnt from one year to the next and there are opportunities for all children to meet their computing potential and exceed this where possible.
Our E-safety curriculum is planned and taught following the guidance of the ‘Education for a Connected World’ document and using some materials provided by CEOP. We teach children how to use digital technologies safely both in school and in the wider world and we embed this throughout our Computing Curriculum.
To further support online safety, we take part in Internet Safety Day, whereby we share an assembly and children take part in Internet safety activities.