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Design & Technology


“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like – Design is how it works.” -

Steve Jobs

At Holmesdale we believe that Design Technology (D.T) should be a stimulating, engaging and inclusive experience for all children. We work with the ‘Plan, Make, Evaluate’ approach, teaching children skills and equipping them with the knowledge needed for the ever changing world. We believe that children should leave our school with the willingness to take creative risks in order to produce their own ideas through design and develop the ability to evaluate and often improve upon what they have made.  We, therefore, encourage the children at Holmesdale to develop resilience in DT by making and learning from mistakes. All children should leave Holmesdale with a set of basic skills in designing, making and evaluating their own designs; children should be given opportunities throughout the school to use a selection of tools and techniques. 

D.T at Holmesdale

Children at Holmesdale will learn through a D.T curriculum that will:

  • Ensure there is progression of skills from EYFS and to the end of Year 2, including opportunities to build on previous learning.
  • Allow children to explore their creativeness and ideas to design and make products that are relevant and consider the needs, wants and values of themselves and others.
  • Ensure they acquire a broad range of knowledge and draw on skills such as maths and science.
  • Ensure they can choose from a variety of tools and equipment to complete a practical task such as joining, shaping and finishing.
  • Allow children to evaluate their own ideas and products against a design criteria.
  • Ensure children understand where food comes from.
  • Allow children to use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes.
What children think of D.T. at Holmesdale

“I really enjoyed sewing my Christmas bag.” - Year 2

“I’m excited to find out what we will be making from soap” - Year 2

“I’m the best at D.T because I made a castle out of cardboard.” - Year 1

“I liked making Knuffle Bunny, mine is my old sock” - Year 1

“The fruit salad was delicious, I cut banana and had strawberries too.”- Year 1

“I like making fun stuff with junk modelling.”- Reception

“I made a bug house.” - Reception